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ZHANG Jiusi 张九思 MPhil, 2023 jzhanged@connect.ust.hk ZHANG Rui
WONG Tsz Fung 黃梓峰 MPhil, 2023 tfwongap@connect.ust.hk JO Gyu Boong
WANG Junqi 汪隽琪 MPhil, 2023 jwangjl@connect.ust.hk WANG Yi
SO Lap 蘇立 MPhil, 2023 lso@connect.ust.hk LI Tsan Hang
LI Qiguang 李齐光 MPhil, 2023 qlic@connect.ust.hk JÄCK Berthold
JIANG Wentao 江文涛 MPhil, 2023 wjiangaz@connect.ust.hk PO Hoi Chun (Adrian)
WONG Pak Hung Philip 王柏雄 MPhil, 2022 phpwong@connect.ust.hk PARK Hyo Keun
WANG Zun 王尊 MPhil, 2022 zwangdq@connect.ust.hk WANG Yi
TAO Chun Ki 陶晉琪 MPhil, 2022 cktao@connect.ust.hk WONG Kam Sing
SHAM Chak Chung 諶澤松 MPhil, 2022 ccsham@connect.ust.hk LUK Kam Biu
LEUNG Fiesta Ting Yan 梁定欣 MPhil, 2022 ftyleung@connect.ust.hk LIU Tao
KOO Tsin Hei 顧仟禧 MPhil, 2022 thkooaa@connect.ust.hk LORTZ Rolf Walter
KE Yanzhe 柯彦哲 MPhil, 2022 ykeah@connect.ust.hk PO Hoi Chun (Adrian)
JI Haoxi 姬浩曦 MPhil, 2022 hjiad@connect.ust.hk WANG Ning
HO Tin Seng Manfred 何天生 MPhil, 2022 tsmho@Cconnect.ust.hk LORTZ Rolf Walter
FAN Wai Hin 范瑋軒 MPhil, 2022 whfanaa@connect.ust.hk LI Tsan Hang
CHOW Ho Yin 周浩然 MPhil, 2022 hychoway@connect.ust.hk YAN Sen
CHEN Zehan 陈泽函 MPhil, 2022 zchende@connect.ust.hk SHAO Qiming, LAW Kam Tuen
CHAN Hing Nin 陳興年 MPhil, 2022 hnchanai@connect.ust.hk PO Hoi Chun (Adrian)
AU Wang To Anthony 區宏韜 MPhil, 2022 wtaau@connect.ust.hk PROKOFIEV Kirill
WONG Ming To 黃明道 MPhil, 2021 mtwongae2connect.ust.hk PROKOFIEV Kirill
MA Chen 马晨 MPhil, 2021 cmaaq@connect.ust.hk WANG Jiannong
LIU Gengxin 刘庚鑫 MPhil, 2021 gliuap@connect.ust.hk PAN Ding
LI Sze Lok 李思洛 MPhil, 2021 slliah@connect.ust.hk PROKOFIEV Kirill
LAM Yin Hei 林彥熙 MPhil, 2021 yhlamak@connect.ust.hk ALTMAN Michael S
TO Yick On 杜亦桉 MPhil, 2020 yoto@connect.ust.hk SOU Iam Keong