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TAM Wing Yim 譚永炎
PhD, University of California at Santa Barbara
Email phtam
Professor Wing Yim Tam earned his BSc degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He completed his PhD degree at the University of California at Santa Barbara in 1985. Before he joined the Physics Department of HKUST in 1993, he taught at the University of Arizona.

Professor Tam's main research interests include nonlinear dynamics, soft-condensed matter, fractals, cellular dynamics, complex / electrorheological (ER) fluids, photonic crystals, self-assembled meso-porous materials, holographic lithography, plasmonics and meta-materials.
Research Areas
Wave functional materials, ER fluids, holographic lithography, soft matter physics, self-assembly nanostructures
Representative Publications
  • “Modeling quasi-3D chiral metamaterials fabricated by shadowing vapor deposition”, Ho Ming Leung, Chunrui Han, Yunhui Li, C. T. Chan, and Wing Yim Tam*, J. Opt. 16 015102 (2014).     
  • “Chiral metamaterials by shadowing vapor deposition”, Chunrui Han, Ho Ming Leung, and Wing Yim Tam*, (FAST TRACK COMM.) J. Opt. 15, 072101 (2013).
  • "Circular dichroism in single layered gold sawtooth gratings", Wensheng Gao, Ching Yan Ng, Ho Ming Leung, Yunhui Li, Hong Chen, and Wing Yim Tam*, JOSA B29, 3021-3026 (2012).
  • "Complete Photonic Bandgaps in the Visible Range from Spherical Layer Structures in Dichromate Gelatin Emulsions", Jenny Hung, Mang Hin Kok, and Wing Yim Tam*, App. Phys. Lett. 94, 014102 (2009).
  • "Icosahedral Quasicrystals for Visible Wavelength by Optical Interference Holography", Jun Xu, Rui Ma, Xia Wang and Wing Yim Tam, Optics Express 15, 4287-4295 (2007).
  • "Icosahedral Quasicrystals by Optical Interference Holography", Wing Yim Tam, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 251111 (2006).
  • "Cluster persistence of two-dimensional soap froth", W.Y. Tam and K.Y. Szeto, Physical Review E 65, 042601 (2002).
  • "Univerisal Topological Properties of Two-Dimensional Trivalent Cellular Patterns", K.Y. Szeto, Xiujun Fu, and W. Y. Tam, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 138302 (2002).
  • "First-Passage Exponent in Two-Dimensional Soap Forth", W.Y. Tam, R. Zeitak, K.Y. Szeto and J. Stavans, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 1588-1591 (1997).
  • "A New Electrorheological Fluids: Theory and Experiment", W.Y. Tam, G.H. Yi, W. Wen, H. Ma, M.M.T. Loy and P. Sheng, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 2987-2990 (1997).
Full Publication List [HKUST Scholarly Publications]